Quick Start

Get started with Deis Workflow in three easy steps.

  1. Install CLI tools for Helm and Deis Workflow
  2. Boot a Kubernetes and install Deis Workflow
  3. Deploy your first application

This guide will help you set up a cluster suitable for evaluation, development and testing. When you are ready for staging and production, view our production checklist.

Step 1: Install CLI tools

For the quickstart we will install both Helm and Deis Workflow CLI.

Step 2: Boot Kubernetes and Install Deis Workflow

There are many ways to boot and run Kubernetes. You may choose to get up and running in cloud environments or locally on your laptop.

Cloud-based options:

If you would like to test on your local machine follow, our guide for Minikube.

If you have already created a Kubernetes cluster, check out the system requirements and then proceed to install Deis Workflow on your own Kubernetes cluster.

Step 3: Deploy your first app

Last but not least, register a user and deploy your first application.